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Home School Partnerships

We strongly believe in building partnerships with our whānau. We believe that building learning-focused relationships and connections between parents, whānau, and teachers is therefore vital for each child’s ongoing learning and success. There are many ways that we build learning focused partnerships with whānau including:

Wānanga Day, regular reporting,and Student Led Conferences

Wānanga Day

Wānanga Day involves the student, parents or caregiver and home teacher sitting together and talking, getting to know each other better at a pre-booked 15 min timeslot. Your child is encouraged to be an active participant in the process.


Some of the questions you may be asked:​

  • What do you like most about school?  Why?

  • What do you like least about school?  Why?

  • What was your greatest achievement in your learning last year?  What are you most proud of?

  • What are you most passionate about? What do you love to do?

  • What learning areas are you strongest in?  Why do you think that?

  • What is the learning area that you want to work on this year?  Why do you think that? 

  • What are you looking forward to this year?  Why?

  • How can I (as the teacher) help you learn best? What do you need?

Why is Wānanga Day important?​

It is an opportunity to establish a learning focused relationship between each child, their whānau and one of their teachers. It is a time to get to know each other better. The home teacher is able to find out important details about the student that will facilitate a successful learning year for them, this can include information about past health and learning issues.

What can you do to make the Wānanga Day beneficial for everyone?​

In preparation for Wānanga Day, you can talk to your child about their learning, asking them some of the questions outlined above so that they are well-prepared to contribute to the conversation. You might like to bring an artefact or taonga that is special to your family to discuss it. 

When is Wānanga Day?

Our Wānanga Day is the first day of Term 1 each year. 

How do I book a time?​

Information about how to book a time will be included in your child's end of year report. Bookings will remain open over the school holidays and close a few days before the Wānanga Day. 

Reporting progress and achievement 

At Oranga School there are many different ways that we share information about student learning with our whānau. 

These include:

  • Wananga Day – in Term 1 designed to discuss important details about your child that will facilitate a successful learning year for them. Both whānau and child attend

  • Student Learning Conference – Term 1 and Term 3.  Conversations around learning led by your child in the classroom.

  • Mid-Year Report and End of Year Report – tells you the curriculum level your child is working on in reading, writing and maths for each Year Level and if they are mastering and showing the 4C’s - Critical, Creative, Caring and Connected Learners

  • Conversations with Parents – as and when needed.

Student Led Conferences

A Student Led Conference provides the opportunity for the student to take the central role during discussions. The teacher is involved but is not necessarily sitting with the student and parents all of the time. There might be two or three groupings of parents and students discussing their work in different curriculum areas in a classroom, and the teacher acts as the facilitator and prompter where necessary. At Oranga School we have Student Led Conferences at the end of Term 1 and then again in Term 3.

Watch the presentation from the leadership team to find out more about Student Led Conferences including 

  • - The purpose of Student Led Conferences

  • - What the research tells us

  • - How they work

  • - The role of whānau at Student Led Conferences


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