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Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)



Te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau.
The way a sapling is nurtured determines how strong it will grow as a tree.


Through modelling, teaching and rewarding positive behaviours we enjoy a healthy environment where the school community is focused on caring for ourselves, others and the environment.






What is PB4L?

Positive behaviour for learning is a school-wide approach to behaviour management that supports students to make positive behaviour choices.


Research shows that student engagement and achievement in learning increases if:

  • The school environment is positive and supportive

  • Behaviour expectations are consistently clear

  • Students are consistently taught expected behaviours

  • Students are consistently acknowledged for expected behaviours

Creating a positive and supportive learning environment

Developing caring relationships with students is a key aspect of establishing a positive learning environment. Staff at Oranga School value students as individuals and take the time to get to know them by:

  • Learning about their culture

  • Engaging in conversation with whānau

  • Learning about their strengths and interests

  • Maintaining high expectations and encouraging students to always give their best

Clear behaviour expectations

At the beginning of each year, students and teachers co-construct their learning space behaviour expectations. By making behaviour expectations clear and consistent, students are able to reflect on and monitor their own behaviour. Expectations are divided into three categories:

  • Caring for ourselves, 

  • Caring for others and 

  • Caring for our environment



















Teaching expected behaviour

Fortnightly positive behaviour lessons are drawn from our school-wide behaviour matrix to ensure that all students are clear of the behaviour expectations across different spaces. Lessons include:

  • Brainstorming what the expected behaviour is and how to recognise it

  • Roleplaying the expected behaviour

  • The teacher modelling the opposite of the expected behaviour

Acknowledging Positive Behaviour

Excellence points are awarded to students who demonstrate positive behaviour. Points are recorded and tracked with students receiving school-wide rewards for 50, 100 and 150 points collected. 

For every 25 points gained, students are given a token. These tokens are collected in our House Token Boxes. The House with the most tokens at the end of each term gets to wear mufti to school and has a longer playtime





















How can whānau support PB4L?

For more information about PB4L and ways to implement positive behaviour strategies into the home, click on the image below:

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