Being safe in and around Oranga School
Arriving to and going home from school
It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that children arrive safely and are collected from school each day. Classrooms are open from 8.30am and students need to be collected at 3.00pm. We have a 40 kilometre speed limit surrounding Oranga and ask that parents be mindful of children hopping in and out of cars particularly hours of drop off and pick up.
Road Patrol
Each day from 3pm - 3.15pm we have road patrollers providing safe crossings on both Oranga Ave and Rangipawa Road. We also have road patrol operating on Rangipawa Road in the mornings from 8.30am - 8.50am. If you are crossing these roads whilst the road patrollers are out please help us to set a good example for children and use the crossings provided.
Walking School Bus
Walking school buses are free, parent run and operate in association with Auckland Transport. All walking school bus routes have been hazard checked by an Auckland Transport representative and cleared as a safe route to walk to school. If you live nearby and are interested in either having your child join a walking school bus and/or assisting as a parent volunteer please email:
When parking on the roads surrounding Oranga School please be sure not to park illegally on yellow lines as these are there for everyone’s safety.
There is a sick bay located behind the school office where children will be attended to if they have an accident or become unwell while at school. Administration staff are first aid qualified and attend refresher courses when necessary. (All of our full time teachers are also first aid qualified). All minor incidents/ accidents will be looked after by the administration team in the sick bay. If a child needs to be sent home due to illness parents will be contacted or if very serious an ambulance will be called and parents contacted.
Hearing, Vision and Dental
During the year we have visits from hearing, vision and dental vans. Children are checked periodically and parents will be advised by these medical agencies if their child requires further attention or a follow up appointment.
Protection from the Sun
During terms one and four it is compulsory for children to wear their school sunhat when they are outdoors. Parents, we ask that you provide sunscreen for your child during these terms.
Water Only
We ask that children only bring water to school in their drink bottles. Please do not send your child to school with juice or fizzy drinks as it will be confiscated and sent back home.
The only exception we make to this is through the Fonterra milk in School programme where the school provides a carton of milk for every child every day (if children would like to participate).