Opportunities to be invovled
Opportunities to be involved
Road Patrol - We are always looking for parents who are willing to be involved and supervise road patrol. If you would like to help us keep our children safe whilst crossing the busy roads, before and after school, please contact Emma Halford: e.halford@oranga.school.nz
PTA - Our PTA are an extremely important team who help our school to fundraise through the planning and creating of fun events for students and families. If you would like to join the PTA or are interested in being involved when you can please email: pta@oranga.school.nz
Walking School Buses - Walking school buses are a fantastic way of engaging children in daily exercise and ensuring that children arrive at school safely. If you would like to join a walking school bus or if you are interested in starting an additional walking school bus please email: walkingschoolbuses@oranga.school.nz
Gardening and Working Bees - We love our gardens and our children enjoy planting and taking care of the gardens where they can, however the gardens are a big and ongoing job. If you have green fingers or even just an interest in being involved in our gardens or joining in a working bee, please email Sarah Gundesen - s.gundesen@oranga.school.nz