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At Oranga School we report to parents about their child’s progress and achievement in a variety of ways.

These include:

  • Wananga Day – in Term 1 designed to discuss important details about your child that will facilitate a successful learning year for them. Both whānau and child attend

  • Student Learning Conference – Term 1 and Term 3.  Conversations around learning led by your child in the classroom.

  • Mid-Year Report and End of Year Report – tells you the curriculum level your child is working on in reading, writing and maths for each Year Level and if they are mastering and showing the 4C’s - Critical, Creative, Caring and Connected Learners

  • Conversations with Parents – as and when needed.


Why do we choose to report progress in these ways?

At Oranga School, the reporting process (and indeed everything that we do) is aimed to put the child at the heart of the learning process. We believe that we have a balanced approach to reporting that it enables you and your child to be part of the process, while also acknowledging the value and vital place that teacher expertise plays.

This is a significant amount of research which highlights the benefits that having students involved in the learning process, including how they report their learning. 

“If the focus is to be kept on learning, and the ownership of the learning with the child, then the best person to talk about the learning is the learner”

“Not only is the student the best person to tell their parents what they have learnt, but if we believe that students build their knowledge by communicating what they know, then providing an opportunity for the students to tell their family what they know can significantly assist with that learning.” Absolum, M. (2006) Clarity in the Classroom, Auckland, Hodder


Building learning-focused relationships and connections between parents, whānau, and teachers is therefore vital for each child’s ongoing learning and success. Children are the core participants in any learning environment and as such they need to be actively engaged in understanding their own actions and progress as learners.


Why report to parents and whānau about student learning and progress?

The vision of the New Zealand Curriculum is for our young people to be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners. The purpose of reporting is to share information about a child’s learning, progress, and achievement towards this vision in ways that support further learning.

Communicating clear, dependable information about progress and achievement provides a basis for building a strong partnership between the child, the teacher, and the child’s parents, family, and whānau to support learning and improve student outcomes.

Effective reporting of student/ākonga progress and achievement across the curriculum requires more than one-way transmission of information from teacher or student to parent. It requires meaningful, ongoing information sharing processes where the roles and expectations of students/ākonga, teachers, parents, whānau, and the wider community are clear.

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