Distance Learning
Hub Zooms
There will be Hub Zooms over the next three days. Teachers will send information about their Hub Zooms via Seesaw. The link for these Zooms will be the same each day.
Distance Learning Grid
We have created a Distance Learning grid that all students can access from home.
Other Opportunities
On this page there are also links to a range of other opportunities for your child/children to do during Distance Learning.
Learning Grids
Distance Learning Grid
The grid includes reading, writing and maths activities that relate to the different levels of the New Zealand Curriculum.
To find which activity your child/children will complete, refer to the 2020 End of Year Report. If your child did not receive an Oranga School End of Year Report or if you are unsure of their current curriculum level in reading, writing or maths please email your child's Kaitiaki.